SheCodes Workshops Reviews | SheCodes

SheCodes Coding Workshop Reviews

What Alumni think of SheCodes

SheCodes teaches coding skills to busy women. SheCodes Workshops are hands-on, self-paced and 100% online.

Based on 220,823 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
πŸŽ“Graduated over 4 years ago

I did not have any experience in programming, and this course really gave me an insight as to what coding is like. I am glad that there were online had challenges and weekly assignments as I felt more challenged and it excited me to be able to put into practice what I had learned in the tutorial videos.I look forward to expanding my coding knowledge in the future.

5/5 - Highly recommended
πŸŽ“Graduated almost 5 years ago

I loved SheCodes online Workshop! It was easy to learn from the short videos, the staff was accessible and the assignments were fun and challenging. I especially loved the creative process during the final project and showcasing our new skills. I would highly recommend this course!

5/5 - Highly recommended
πŸŽ“Graduated almost 5 years ago

SheCodes Plus was great because I could develop what I initially started in SheCodes - Lisbon. The online platform was very well organized. The rewatchable Tuesday classes, the challenges videos + the exercises sequences helped me a lot to prepare myself to do the weekly homework. Never in my life I thought I could actually be capable of building a proper app, with real time information. This workshop sometimes was "sweat, blood and tears" but when I got things done and working it was a huge feeling of accomplishment! I strongly recommend this to all women who want to have a real understanding of what really is Front-End Development and its frameworks. SheCodes gave me the tools and now it's up to me to keep on learning! It boosted my confidence to pursue this as a career change! Thank you Matt, JoΓ£o and all the SheCodes staff!

5/5 - Highly recommended
πŸŽ“Graduated almost 5 years ago

After doing the weekend workshop, I sort of expected the She Codes Plus to be good. But I wasn't expecting to be this great. Matt's classes were superb, the additional videos helped a lot and his passion was palpable. The content was made in a way that everyone were able to understand, without losing relevancy. I created things in 10 weeks while coding by myself that I never imagined I could. Praises are not enough. So, if you have the time, just go and do it. You won't regret it.

5/5 - Highly recommended
πŸŽ“Graduated almost 5 years ago

She Codes model, in my opinion, works very well and it’s a very well-built course that focus mainly on practice classes, where you have challenges and homework every week that forces you to actually code and put into practice what you’ve learned. I really enjoy the fact that classes are online and recorded, so we could see the videos many times if we had doubts. Also, I think the price is very competitive considering all other market offers and you really learn useful things and not a ton of unnecessary theory. Really enjoyed my time here and learned a lot! Definitely want to continue learning. Thank you Matt and the whole team!

2/5 - Not recommended
πŸŽ“Graduated almost 5 years ago

The videos are ok for a complete beginner, but the information is already available for free. I expected the live sessions to be denser and to go into detail much more. Also, I expected the courses to explain the theory and to show practical examples much more. I would only recommend this course to someone who has zero knowledge of HTML/CSS, but not to someone who's good at learning on their own or who already followed some tutorials. For the same price, you can get a 3-month subscription on a DEV-focused platform and learn all these skills, plus much more :). So in my case definitely the expectations were too high for what the course offers, especially when it comes to the live sessions.