SheCodes Workshops Reviews | SheCodes

SheCodes Coding Workshop Reviews

What Alumni think of SheCodes

SheCodes teaches coding skills to busy women. SheCodes Workshops are hands-on, self-paced and 100% online.

Based on 220,889 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
SheCodes workshops are highly recommended by 200,000+ women, including employees from these companies:
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I've completed all 4 courses with SheCodes. I've taken a variety of online coding courses in the past and SheCodes has easily been the best. Each course has been easy to understand and follow along, the challenges help you apply what you've just learned and the projects have been fun to complete.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Happy to learn coding with SheCodes! I loved creating the project. I never thought coding could be so interesting.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

It was an unforgettable learning experience! Matt's lessons whith the with the small steps technique made it possible to master quite difficult material. I will missing this learning, because SheCodes are great workshops. I am proud of my project and proud to have graduated. I hope that this is just the beginning of my Front-end developer career.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Learning React and practicing all these technics with SheCodes and Matt was an incredible journey. I couldn't even imagine 3 months ago that I would be able to create projects like this. Matt is an amazing teacher, he can arouse interest in programming from the very first lesson and give a chance to start a new life with new career opportunities in tech. Thank you for this experience, I will miss our workshops and I absolutely sure this is just the beginning!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

The content has been so easy to follow along and I love the fact that I can revisit any previous lessons at anytime! The courses are done at my pace and I am able to soak up all the content Matt puts out fully. I really enjoyed seeing my first project completed, it brought a great sense of accomplishment when I hit that 'submit' button.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

1000% great workshop! I loved creating the projects! Every explanation is detailed and clear. So glad I joined!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I`ve learned a lot of information and tried to implement it into a real project. I really like this studying, I will continue to move on! Thank you, SheCodes!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

This course is a great chance to try make a real project from scratch and be able to ask as many questions as you need. It can give a fair understanding of whether front-end is something you might want to work with.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Just finished the basic coding course. Loved the way it was introduced and explained. Recommended. As a result, you'll get your first pet project, some knowledge in basic markup and JS front that helps you to understand if you need to go deeper or look in a different direction.

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

It was super interesting! I enjoyed creating my first landing page project!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I really enjoyed the React course; there is so much to learn in order to make a successful application in React, and this course helped me to build up two projects step by step. I am really proud of the results and this course helped me a lot.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

The journey has been an amazing one, from the first week to the project week, I didn't feel pressured, I learnt more and experienced more. Thanks to SheCode.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

It is a great journey to learn more from Matt. The team is also very supportive and helpful. I am glad to make such an app even at this point. I would like to learn more and make more advanced projects.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I absolutely loved building on the learnings from the SheCodes Basic and to dive deeper into HTML5 , CSS and especially Javascript and API. Matt continues to impress me with his great teaching skills! 👨‍🏫 One thing I really like about all the SheCodes Workshops so far is that we get to design the projects all by ourselves. I don't have to build exactly the same as everyone else, in the end everyone has a completely unique project result. I believe this is very different to a lot of other courses and proves to me, that it was a great decision to choose SheCodes! I am excited to see what comes next and where this path will take me!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

As for the first week, it was really sophisticated and intensive for me, sometimes I thought that I was ready to give it up... But furhter all the things have changed. I was enjoing the second week, and I found JavaScript extremely interesting and powerful! And then, the third week was so soft and creative! I was having fun during my final project! Thank you for the course 😍It's amazing! 🥰

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I highly recommend SheCodes workshops to everyone! It was wonderful journey! I received a lot of useful knowledge, skills and created my first project during this three weeks. The instructor Matt explained everything in an interesting and understandable way , thank you, Matt! I really enjoyed and had a lot of fun! Looking forward to joining another workshops! Thank you, SheCodes Team! 🥰

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Two months ago, I had no idea about programming at all, and today I finished my first weather project. I am very grateful to sheCodes for this.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I really liked the lessons on this course. The explanations are accessible, even for a newbie like me. It was very interesting to create the project. SheCodes is a very cool school.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Great course! I really enjoyed creating my responsive portfolio. To see my previous projects brought together in one place and clearly see how far I've come in such a short time was very rewarding!

Coding Workshops for Women

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4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Would recommend for someone looking to learn web development basics. Would be beneficial to have 6 weeks instead of 3 lets say, with more practice projects. Otherwise, really enjoyed the format of lessons and video instructions.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Today I'm turning in another project and I realize that I still don't know so much. It takes a lot of effort to learn here. But the knowledge I've gained means more to me than just words. Thank you!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

This was a fantastic beginner course. I have been stuck in a rotation of watching tutorials and starting on other self paced coding sites, but I am a person who needs more structure and this was perfect for me! I looked forward to it every night and the final project was soooo much fun seeing the outcome of what I created!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I worry a lot that I won't be able to turn this into a career. I worry that I am not able to learn the material, then I hop on and complete a lesson and watch what I am learning come to life in real time as I code. Completing the Plus project has helped to boost my confidence that I can do this! I am excited to move onto the next course.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

This is my 3rd workshop I finished from SheCodes - I am so proud of the progress I've made and how this course has helped me reignite my passion for coding! So far I enjoyed the Responsive course the most as building weather apps was not really exciting to me. With Responsive you can really make the project according to your own taste, which is really fun! As always, other students and people from SheCodes stand by your side. On to React!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

It was extremely interesting and very useful to work on the project during the course! Thank SheCodes for the opportunity, you make the world a better place!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

SheCodes Plus was certainly challenging for me. I had experienced a number of predicaments during this course. When I sought for help from the SheCodes support team, they offered me external sources to get educated on which I had struggled to understand. Also, I learned a lot from a student I came across whose project I found amazing and educational. As I reached out to her, she kindly replied to my message and shared her experience in coding. I have been truly enjoying my coding journey through SheCodes. It is truly fulfilling when I get to solve the issues and make my codes work. I cannot wait to learn with SheCodes further.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

This has been an amazing course full of different challenges I loved to go through. The course is well explained, so you'll never feel like you're lost. It was so exciting to work on my own project and I am so happy and satisfied with what I've created. SheCodes gave me confidence and inspired me to start my carrier in tech. I highly recommend it and looking forward to continue learning to code with SheCodes.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

it was absolutely amazing. Everything was so clear and understandable, I love it. The project was useful. I am going to use it in my everyday life.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

This is a great workshop to combine all of your previous knowledge and to actually use it. And of course to learn about SEO and Responsive. Loved to make the final project for this workshop and I'm going to definetely improve it with time.

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I highly recommend this course to everyone, who wants to learn coding with lots of fun challenges and useful projects. it is the best coding workshop that I've ever seen. and I really enjoyed this course.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Very happy but more sad that the workshops are over. I completed all of them with a long break halfway through. React was the best workshop as it was a lot about advancing in front-end frameworks, structuring code and building something very interesting from scratch. The projects were the parts I enjoyed most as for me it is more important to have something to show instead of "just" a certificate. I felt guided and supported throughout the workshops with a great balance between autonomy and dependence. I really liked that Matt is so authentic when the code didn't work, e.g. "my god this is the kind of stuff you could spend hours on fixing this" made my day. 🥐🥰

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

The Responsive workshop was challenging. There were lots of information to remember and to practice. I really liked working on final project. I am thankful for the opportunity to study coding with SheCodes!😊

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

SheCodes is an incredible experience. I never thought I would be able to code since I had the stigma that coding and programming languages were something complicated. Coding is not easy, but it is certainly not impossible. Thank you to Matt Delac for sharing all his knowledge and skills to help women like me achieve our goals in the tech field, a male-dominated industry. Also, I am thankful that I could access my course, even though I did not finish it in the estipulate time for personal reasons. The good news is that once you join SheCodes, you will always have access to your courses and projects. I can wait to keep learning!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

There were really good exercises! I like my final project. Thanks!!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

SheCodes Responsive has been a really valuable course to develop further skills in coding and learning the principles of responsive web development. The lessons were easy to follow and the challenges allowed me to further understand the learning and put them into practice in my own project. Highly recommend to anyone wishing to learn about responsive web development.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I really enjoyed working on my portfolio project. Learning how to make websites responsive and seeing all the techniques come to life is so much fun. Thank you SheCodes!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Great course - easy to follow and really enjoyed the final project.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Thank you SheCodes! As someone without any background in coding, I got to learn new things and create a real working project 😊

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I really enjoyed this workshop with Matt! I appreciate that it is a work at your own pace course, he explains everything very well, and the exercises and projects were fun to do! I am looking forward to my next workshop with SheCodes!

Coding Workshops for Women

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220,889 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

The Responsive Workshop has been a great journey to learn and deepen my knowlegde due to all the lessons and the final portfolio project. Thanks to the entire SheCodes team!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I found this project helpful and fun to work with. I definitely would recommend it to those, who would like to improve their knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap as well, as built something really cool and handy for the future.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

The project was a lot of fun to make! Can't wait to see what's next and continue learning in the responsive workshop!!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I really wanted to challenge myself with this project and come up with a portfolio I was proud of. This workshop was informative, fun and the most interesting so far for me personally. Can't wait to take on React!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

SheCodes was such a fun project. The classes were quick, concise, and easy to follow. I will be continuing with the other courses

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Another project finished and a new skill getting to a new level. I loved building the Weather application. It was very challenging and fun project that allowed me to learn more about JavaScript, HTML, CSS, GitHub, Bootstrap and APIs. Thanks to Matthieu Delac and all the team of SheCodes Workshops for all the support and teaching. Can't wait to keep learning.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

It was a very informative course. The final project was a big challenge for me because I decided to reproduce the design project. I honestly don't like his look. But it was great practice to complete tasks regardless of your preferences.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Loved SheCodes Plus & proud of my final project!! The structure of the course with the education, challenges and homework really helps you learn and apply the skills in a practical way. Thank you Matt - what an experience!!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

It was an interesting and a big challenge! Step by step, every day studying programming, I created my own project. Every week it added new features, and I got new skills. Thanks to Matt for the great job he did and to the SheCodes team. Looking forward to the next course and ready for new projects!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

SheCodes was a very good introduction to coding for me. I found the material was presented in an easy-to-understand way and did a great job of piquing my curiosity to learn more about coding! I like that the homework assignments reinforce what I learned and that the final project brought everything together.

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

A fascinating course, which will suit even the beginners. Everything is easy to understand, and completing a real-life project using real data is invaluable. Really recommend this course if you want to know how to use JS for building real websites.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I learned so much so quickly on this course! There was a lot to cover, and I really liked the fact that there were 2 projects, so by the time I completed the dictionary project I felt that I had a very good understanding of the basics (and plenty of the more complex concepts too). Thanks to Matt and the team!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

A very interesting project. This is a challenge and an opportunity to learn new skills. Many thanks to the team for their support and knowledge

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I'm eternally grateful to Matt and SheCodes team for this unique free opportunity for all Ukrainian girls to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of coding. The material is presented in a very clear, accessible, and engaging way. I wish your project reaches 1 million students soon!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Actually React is too difficult for understanding when having only basic knowledge of JavaScript. I'm grateful SheCodes Support Team for their care and patience. Guys, you are cool! I wouldn’t have created two projects for three weeks without you. Dear girls future students, if you don't know what is it coding but want to do it, I would recommend you apply to SheCodes and try it. Here you will learn what it's HTML / CSS / JavaSrcipt, will work with different libraries, will know how to integrate to your project API. And of course, you will eat a peck of salt with Node.js and React.js. I envy you that you have this fascinating journey yet to come. Wish you happy coding!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Thanks to the team SheCodes for a well-spent time learning interesting lessons and support. I created a project weather forecast and he working.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

It was so much fun, working on the final project. The small sections are easy to follow - thank you :)

4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I like that the course is flexible & allowed me to learn at my own pace. The lessons were fun & I enjoyed doing the challenges & projects. I recommend joining SheCodes to anyone who wants to learn & develop their coding skills.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

SheCodes Plus was amazing and challenging at the same time. The classes are well structure and Matt explained complicated concepts in a way that was easy to understand, and I'm thrilled with how far I've progressed! It was amazing to build this project from scratch and see the results at the end.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

For me the "SheCodes Responsive" course is a lot of useful and interesting presented information for mastering a new profession. SheCodes provides an opportunity to change your life and become a part of large projects.

Coding Workshops for Women

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I enjoyed creating my portfolio project. Have learned a lot from this course

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

It is an amazing project and an incredible opportunity. This course is one of the best I have ever taken and I would definitely recommend everyone to try it.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

This course has been great to put the skills I've learnt to the test in a real-life project. I've built on my basic knowledge and learnt more advanced structures, particularly in Java Script.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I am delighted with this project. The daily homework keeps me from relaxing and forgetting the previously taught material.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

At first, the project seemed terribly difficult to me, and I very much doubted that I would be able to repeat it. But step by step, lesson by lesson, discovery by discovery - and everything worked out!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Another great workshop! It was interesting to not only learn how to rebuild my vanilla JS weather project using the new skills that we learned for React, but to be able to build a whole other Dictionary project as well. As always, Matt's lessons were easy to follow along, and made learning the advanced concepts less intimidating.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I had always thought that coding and programming languages were so difficult and totally unlearnable, but only 3 weeks in my coding journey and I can't believe I am totally killing it! They teaching videos are so simplified and easy to grasp. They challenges after each lesson encourages practices and mastery and are fun to do. They projects are a total game-changer. I am soooo glad that I am a part of this amazing workshop. Thank you so much Matt! Thank you so much SheCodes!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Great! I'm pleased to take part in this project 😻

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Very excited! I got a little confused with my code when I did the final project, but the She Codes team helped me a lot. Matt is a great teacher!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Matt's videos were easy to follow and understand and it was a lot of fun to get through this project! It was definitely a learning curve but I look forward to the next part of the program!

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Matt is an excellent teacher! Breaking into tech can be intimidating, but SheCodes has made learning how to code much easier. I still can't believe I was able to build my final project. Thank you to Matt and everyone at SheCodes for making this possible. I'm excited to learn more!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

It was a very cool experience! Interesting projects! Great explanation! It's interesting and fun to learn here! It's very motivating!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I am a SAP HCM consultant and for some time now I have been feeling stagnant in my area of work, like my work is a bit redundant and not as challenging. For this reason I decided to switch my career and start learning front end web dev. After finishing my SheCodes basic project I feel confident about my decision to switch my career and am looking forward to my next lessons and projects.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Challenging project, but have learned so much! I especially enjoyed working with GitHub and APIs. I am proud of everything I learnt. Thank you! 🌟

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

This is the first JavaScript project I have made with confidence and the ability to troubleshoot and problem solve along the way when things bugged. I feel the course has given me the skills to not only code JavaScript but how to fix bugs and problem solve as well.

4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Honestly, quite a challenging project and I feel super accomplished with having complete it! The videos were easy to follow along 👍🏻

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Thank you for this amazing workshop! It was very informative and challenging. I really had lots of fun while doing my final project and I am very excited to continue learning how to code!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Very intense level. It was interesting to create projects.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

The course was quite challenging, but the feeling of completing the project and finally building something that works by myself was rewarding! Thanks, Matt for very instructional and easy-to-understand lessons!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Just completed my SheCodes Responsive. It was indeed very challenging and I love how it made me to find the solutions and get the codes work. With the daily challenges, weekly homework, and projects I practiced more on what I have learned and strive myself to provide a creative and responsive project. Thank you to Prof Matt and the SheCodes team for wonderful learning journey and support.

Coding Workshops for Women

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220,889 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I did not know any thing about coding, but after this course with Shecodes, I have successfully created a web... It was very exciting working on my project and i look forward to learning more

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Loves the content and pacing of the classes! Matt did a great job on explaining how things work and provided a bunch of tips and tricks that helps me out a lot while working on the project. I enjoy the journey and find coding to be much more fun now, looking forward to the next few workshops to come.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Loved the journey, bit hard at times but Matt did a great job explaining and the challenges+homework has helped to solidify your learning. The projects were fun too; finishing SheCodes Pro is a bittersweet moment as I'll miss this but can't wait for the next part of my journey! Thank you SheCodes :)

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Thank you so much for such an amazing project! This is a great opportunity for girls to immerse themselves in the world of IT.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I enjoyed so much this workshop. It is not easy, but Matt is a really good teacher and nicely split the projects in steps, making it easy to understand. I was never stucked for too long because SheCodes staff answer really quickly on Slack. Thank you to the whole SheCodes team !

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

SheCodes Plus was much challenging as compared to SheCodes Basic. Even then, the advantage of SheCodes courses is that we can re-watch the videos, and we are able to get great help from the SheCodes Team on the Slack channel, who answer our questions ever so patiently and promptly. It is also great that Matt will explain the rationale behind certain concepts and some good practices, rather than just step-by-step theory. It is a sense of achievement and joy when we see the codes work properly! Lastly, it is inspiring and fun to browse the projects of other students! Thank you SheCodes Team!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I enjoyed taking this workshop. Matt explains everything in much detail and he is easy to follow. I was able to work at my own pace and received much help from classmates and SheCodes staff through Slack. All reference material was accessible at the press of a button if I ever found myself stuck in any particular section of my projects. This workshop was easy to follow, easy to complete, fun, informative, innovative, and encouraging.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

The workshops are easy to follow and have given me so much confidence to take on my own projects! Everyone should learn to code 👩‍💻

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

HTML/CSS/JavaScript lessons were pretty easy to digest thanks to Matt & his great team and I appreciate all the effort put into this amazing project that introduced me to the wonderful world of coding.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

After completing the 3 week workshop, I realized that I wanted to continue. I love how SheCodes breaks it down in small steps and allows you to actually create your own projects.

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

The project is very interesting and informative!

4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

A friend of a friend did SheCodes and she really liked it, so I decided to give it a try. It's pretty straightforward and easy to follow, enough that you don't really need to utilize the support team. That said, if you're thinking of trying SheCodes for the first time, I recommend taking a more advanced course. In the Basics workshop final project, I kept researching how to do certain things I wanted, and it only made me feel that I had so much more to learn.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

SheCodes is an amazing project and I am really greatful I had an opportunity to join it. There is a little bit of everything for everyone - it keeps you motivated, boosts your creativity, and get you help whenever you need it.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

I loved everything about SheCodes! From the format of the courses to the fun projects and challenges. I would highly recommend this to coding beginners and anyone who would like to understand what websites and apps are made of and brush up or advance basic coding skills. I will definitely be looking into the advanced options. :)

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

This course was super great, easy to understand and the tasks, homework and project all helped, I gained a lot through this

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Learning with SheCodes is interesting and exciting, my sincere thanks to Matt and the SheCodes team for this. Thanks SheCodes foundation project for opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills, to change my own future.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

Brilliant course! Matt is excellent at explaining each of the elements, he makes even the most complex ones easy to understand. Never thought I would be able to code but now I am well on my way in my coding journey! I am really proud of my final project and can't believe I built it! Thanks Matt and the SheCodes team

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

This course helped me learn more about coding and thanks to it I made my first real project from scratch. ❤️👩‍💻

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

i am amazed by the project result. I will use it to display my future projects as well. I finished it it faster then planned. I can feel that my skills have grown

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

The course was excellent! Very accessible and easy to understand information. Most importantly, it is interesting and understandable for beginners and those who already have their basic ideas. You always learn something new anyway. Thanks to everyone who participates in the existence of this project SheCodes!

Coding Workshops for Women

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 2 years ago

It was a wonderful five weeks. Sometimes it was hard, but not as hard as with the project with JavaScript). For the most part, the learning was fun.