SheCodes Workshops Reviews | SheCodes

SheCodes Coding Workshop Reviews

What Alumni think of SheCodes

SheCodes teaches coding skills to busy women. SheCodes Workshops are hands-on, self-paced and 100% online.

Based on 220,889 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
SheCodes workshops are highly recommended by 200,000+ women, including employees from these companies:
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I highly recommend SheCodes courses. The way that they teach topics is really fun and scientific. They always answered my email kindly. Their lesson plan is really great and during the course I really enjoyed. thanks a lot. I really appreciate SheCodes team.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Thanks to SheCodes, I'm getting knowledge of coding and happy to paticipate in this course. The learning process is fast, clear and with fun which really inspires you to develop your skills. The materials provided by SheCodes are up-to-date and very helpful.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

This was a fun introduction to coding! I enjoyed being able to venture into a new skill and to learn it at my own pace

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

It was very fun to learn new effects with JavaScript and CSS 🙌

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Very fun and interesting way to learn coding!!!😎

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Fun yet challenging workshop :) Looking forward to the next steps!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I had so much fun learning and creating with SheCodes. Its made learning to code very accessible and I am excited to see where it takes me in the future!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Coming from a social science background I was unsure whether I would be able to learn how to code and ultimately build my own functioning website. But thankfully with Matt's guidance and videos I can proudly say "I can code". Thank you to the entire team at SheCodes.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Short, but fun and informative workshop.

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60-minute FREE Coding Class for Beginners

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I think this has been my favourite shecodes course so far. Everything was incredibly straightforward and fun

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Great course! Super easy to follow, I had fun creating the final project.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I highly recommend SheCodes because it is such a supportive and safe environment , you learn according to your pace and can get immediate help .I suffer from anxiety hence i really like the fact that there are no pass marks or exams and that makes me confident in my work plus Matt is a really good teacher and that makes learning a lot easier and fun.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Learning how to code has been an incredible journey for me. It's like discovering a whole new world of possibilities and creativity. At first, I was intimidated by the idea of programming, thinking it was too complex and technical. However, with the right resources and guidance, I found myself immersed in a captivating learning experience.Coding has empowered me to bring my ideas to life and solve real-world problems. It's amazing to see lines of code transform into functional websites, interactive applications, and efficient algorithms. The feeling of accomplishment when my code runs smoothly and produces the desired outcome is truly satisfying.What I appreciate the most about coding is its constant challenge. Every problem I encounter presents an opportunity to learn and grow. It's a skill that requires continuous improvement and a mindset of curiosity and perseverance. Through coding, I have become a better problem solver, thinker, and learner. Additionally, the coding community is incredibly supportive and inspiring. Online forums, tutorials, and coding communities have become invaluable resources for me. I've had the opportunity to connect with fellow learners and professionals, exchanging knowledge and collaborating on exciting projects. The sense of community and shared passion for coding is truly motivating. Learning how to code has opened up a world of career opportunities for me as well. The demand for skilled programmers is constantly growing, and being able to code has given me a competitive edge in the job market. It's a skill that is applicable across various industries and has the potential to shape the future.If you're considering learning how to code, I highly encourage you to take the leap. It may seem challenging at first, but with dedication and the right resources, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve. Learning how to code has been a transformative experience for me, and I'm excited to see where this journey takes me next.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

This has been an awesome, I had so much fun learning about coding. Matt has been great too and he made sure his explanation is clear on how to learn HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT. Thank you SheCodes!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

It was a new thing for me but it was fun and exciting to be able to learn with shecodes team thank you

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

This workshop was by far the most fun and informative one so far. I was able to create my own live personal portfolio and make it responsive on multiple devices! I feel much more confident building websites and can't wait for what the future holds.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

SheCodes Basic was a lot of fun. It made me want to take on more challenging coding projects. It was exceptionally well run. Clear instructions and examples were given throughout the course. I thoroughly enjoyed this event. Thank the SheCodes Team for making this happen.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

SheCodes has been a fantastic experience! I have had so much fun learning how to code on my own pace. From the initial free session to every single challenge, SheCodes really makes coding looks simpler and fun to learn through every step of the way 🙂

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I had an incredible experience with SheCodes. From the moment I joined their coding workshop, I was immersed in a supportive and empowering community of like-minded individuals. The curriculum was well-structured and comprehensive, providing me with a solid foundation in coding fundamentals and practical skills. The hands-on projects and coding challenges helped me gain confidence in my abilities, and the continuous feedback and mentorship provided valuable guidance throughout the learning journey. SheCodes truly equipped me with the skills and mindset to pursue my coding aspirations, and I am grateful for the opportunities it has opened up for me in the tech industry.

Coding Workshops for Women

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220,889 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

SheCodes Basics has been an amazing course. I have had a ton of fun learning the foundations to coding. It is educational, easy to follow, and challenging. I am so glad I have these new skills in just a few weeks!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I love the methodology they use, it is functional, concise and understandable; the explanations were fair and necessary for the challenges and projects....... Thank you💫😁

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

it was fun but with a lot of challenges since i knew nothing about coding but i am proud off myself for the completion and thanks a lot sheCodes for the program

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I didn't expect coding to be this easy or this much fun to learn. Matt is a really good instructor and his teaching methods are really easy to comprehend. I can't wait to continue and learn all that SheCodes has to offer!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

SheCodes Basics was fun but challenging. I learned a lot in such little time and Matt does a real great job explaining each step. My favorite part is when he throws a little twist during a challenge and says; "Okay we haven't learned this yet" or "If you can figure out how to do XYZ, it will require some research." It really keeps you motivated to learn more and challenge yourself!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

It was immensely hard to make myself go against the flow and finally try doing what I actually secretly always aspired to try my hand at: coding. And I'm thankful that at that moment of decisiveness it was SheCodes I found. Firstly, I understood that what kept me back the most was sheer fear of the amount of basic understanding of how the industry actually works. Navigating through it itself is quite an ordeal if you ask me, as there are so many fields and specialities and pipelines and skills required depending on the former mentioned and later omitted etc. But during a free introduction class which I was kind of sceptical to take at the beginning, Matt managed to keep it short, specific and really easy to wrap your head around. Yes, this was just a tip of the iceberg, but now that it has been reached, I felt like I could somehow see myself a person who goes on this adventure. The feeling was refreshing and, surprisingly, it never faded during the whole Basics Workshop. Here comes the "secondly". I was so happy to observe and experience how SheCodes works as a platform. Starting with design and going all the way to how neatly and user-friendly both the classes and the support are organised. The whole learning process just feels so natural and chill, the possibility to ask for an extension along with short and easy-to-understand lessons made this workshop somehow fit me like a glow. Last but not least, the content of the lessons is remarkable by itself. True, you will only hone some very basic skills, but if you want to continue learning these same skills would work as a pretty solid fundament for your future achievements. Still, if you want to join the workshop just for fun or for challenging your brain, you will complete it with a very real and very your own landing page to boast about (or to even use, why not) anyway. A win-win situation, if you ask me. To wrap it up, I want to thank Matt and SheCodes team for making entering the industry easily instead of gatekeeping it from beginners. Also, I'm endlessly grateful for the chance to study for free at these dire times! SheCodes must be known by everyone just for its Foundation program alone. And to all these still wondering whether to try it out or not: do not hesitate, you won't regret it.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

It's all coming together! Learning how to make your websites & apps responsive on multiple devices is equally fun as it is demanding. To have built my professional portfolio along the way was the highlight for me. I'm eager to start the Responsive Add-On Project and continue my React workshop :)

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

That was a great experience, thank you so much for the opportunity. Matt showed that coding is fun and beautiful. I really want to continue my studying.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

World Clock is a very interesting project. Have more fun with Javascript.

4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

It was a Fun experience

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I never knew how fun codes would be, she Codes opened a whole experience and world for me. When I did my first activity the joy i felt seeing my work was so good I'm thankful that I got this opportunity to learn and have fun at the same time.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

this was fun.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

It was quite challenging creating this weather app, however I managed in the end. Needed some support sometimes to continue, and I managed. It does not look perfect, however it is functional and I am excited to learn on how to improve it.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Learning with SheCodes has been an amazing experience. I recommend SheCodes to anyone who wants to start coding. It is an amazing platform with support and a lovely community. Thanks, SheCodes team. Learning React has been really fun.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I loved getting back into coding after some hiatus with the new lessons and projects. It was really fun to learn together with Matt again and always the explanations were easily understandable and I loved that he repeated a few things from the past, because it made it easier to remember what I have already learned and haven't used for a while. Can't wait to continue with the rest of SheCodes Max and become a Front-end Developer. 🚀

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Hey I'm Anele Sibiya from South Africa I started sheCode on the 26th of June had no idea what i was getting myself into. My first day was interesting i learned a lot with the small video i had fun. First thing that got me excited was doing the challenges by myself that boosted my confidence. My sister advice to me to download an app called Mimo its helped a lot as well.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I enjoyed coding experience and had a lot of fun. Thank you so much!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

This was such a thorough, well-produced program. Thank you Matt, for your great instruction & fun challenges. I feel confident knowing the basics of coding & am so excited to continue my journey!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Had a lot of fun coding 😊 Found it especially great that you could move forward at your own pace. Great course!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Another great lesson from Matt! This one was so much fun to learn! Thank you to the moderators on our Slack channel for answering my questions when I have gotten stumped! I love the support from SheCodes :)

Coding Workshops for Women

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220,889 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I cannot wait to learn more! This has been fun and challenging to say the least! I have been looking at a career change for a long time but couldn't quite find my spot, till I happened upon a post on Instagram and went down a rabbit hole 🕳 and landed on tech, after weeks of research I ended up here and thanks to the foundation I have been granted an opportunity to create a better future and learn a new skillset!! Thank you SheCodes!!!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

A very detailed and easy to understand workshop. I had a lot of fun solving and learning. Just need your dedication and motivation to complete this workshop.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I have always been afraid of anything related to tech, and made jokes about how awful I was with computers just so I didn't have to deal with it. But after feeling useless for way too long, this course has been a complete U-turn on my feelings. It has been so fun, and completely different to how I thought coding would be. SheCodes has opened up my future to loads of things already, and I cannot wait to start the next portion of the course. After all, 28 is way too young to feel like a tech dinosaur! All in all, it's just so reassuring when something that you find on the internet really is worth the hype :)

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

SheCodes Responsive Week has been the most fun and exciting project! I really enjoyed building my portfolio!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

It was fun to do the exercises to reviews concepts. I think that the basic course is perfect for anyone who's starting from scratch.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Its been very fun

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

This small workshop was so much fun! Had a good time coding also it was quite fast done and super explained. Thank you a lot :)

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

This was such an amazing journey! I started with some trepidation about understanding or even being able to execute code and I went from that to building my own landing page! Matt is a brilliant teacher. He made learning code an adventure and it helps that each module comes with practice homework. The SheCodes team also made it fun to learn by being there to spot the glitches and walk us through. I would recommend very highly. I can't wait to move on to the next stage.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

"I am thrilled with the programming course I took! It was an enlightening journey that demystified coding for me. Instructor Matts expertise and teaching style made complex concepts feel accessible. The course structure was well-paced, allowing me to grasp the fundamentals while building practical skills. The hands-on projects and real-world examples helped me gain confidence in my coding abilities. I now feel equipped to tackle programming challenges and embark on exciting tech ventures. This course was truly a game-changer for my career. Highly recommended!"

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

The SheCodes workshops are so easy to follow, and fun too! I find myself actually smiling as I see the results of all my effort and it's the best feeling to know I accomplished that. Can't sing SheCodes' praises enough!

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

“It's a very beginner friendly program and the timeframes are very realistic and you can reach them, overall I had fun.”

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I am so glad I have choosen SheCodes. I had no idea about coding but with their courses it is so fun and interesting that you only want to keep learning. Thank you to Matt Delac and all the team, you are amazing!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

This was fun 🙂

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I am so thankful to SheCodes for giving me this great opportunity to learn to code in HTML, CSS, and Javascript, while also having fun! I loved challenging myself with so many approachable challenges. Ready to continue the journey of coding!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

The SheCodes Plus project was fun and very interesting. It's not an easy project to do, but I enjoyed new challenges and to see how much you can do was impressive to me.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Enjoyed the course! The instruction was easy to understand and the activities were fun :)

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

This course was the absolute funniest for me! I really enjoyed it, because as a designer I was able to step into the shoes of the developers and understand how the initial approach should not only be customer-oriented, but also machine-oriented. I also updated a lot of my knowledge and even learnt Figma. AMAZING!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I am currently finishing a BA in biology and was looking for a simple web developer course to see if I could pursue a career in tech. Shecodes-Basics was the perfect match for me. Easy to understand, straightforward and fun! I really enjoyed each class and can’t wait to learn more! 😄🎉📚

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I haven't had so much fun studying as much as I have in the past three weeks. Matt's videos are clear, short enough to keep your attention, and keep you going. The exercises after each lesson were really central to helping me grasp the concepts. I am grateful to have had this opportunity and hope to continue on. Thank you team SheCodes!

4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

The Responsive course was another great workshop with real project. I learned many new techniques, these lessons will definitely be useful in the industry. It was intense but fun!

Coding Workshops for Women

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220,889 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

The Add-on for the basic workshop was so interesting! It was quick, yet fun way to learn new essentials. So excited to be able to change my projects into dark mode now! :)

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

SheCodes workshop really demystified coding. Not only did it provide hands-on projects with a funny twist, but it was also incredibly comprehensive. I learned a great deal of valuable knowledge in a short amount of time. It was clear that the team had put a lot of thought into creating the workshop, as it was incredibly well organized. It allowed me to gain confidence in my programming skills - strongly recommend giving it a try!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

SheCodes Plus has provided more experience of learning to code using a functional language. Also, I got a better understanding of how API calls work and how it's essential in building applications. The tools introduced like InVision, CodeSandbox, and Netlify enable a basic end-to-end implementation of a project which opens for exciting challenges for a starting web developer like me.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Good step-by-step guidance and it's fun to see your own website project grow.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Very clear and fun content!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

This one was a funny project!! Challenging but funny, I learned a lot.

4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

The SheCodes course was fun and I learned so much. I appreciate the fact that we are pretty much able to go at our own pace and that we can get feedback and have access to the correct solutions. I had absolutely no prior knowledge of coding, and have wanted to learn for a while now but had no idea where to begin. This beginners course really broke things down easily for me and I am excited to keep learning from here.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I had so much fun building a webpage about my favorite musical artists. I really enjoyed learning about grids, tables, and embedding content. Can't wait to take the next workshop!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

SheCodes Basics Add-on was an incredibly enjoyable and enriching experience for me. Through the program, I not only had fun but also gained a wealth of knowledge. It was a fantastic addition to my learning journey, providing me with valuable skills and empowering me in the world of coding.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Taking the SheCodes workshop is a great way to slowly integrate into coding and decide if a career in the tech field is something worth pursuing for yourself. The videos were detailed and concise, making it easier for me to grasp all of the presented elements. I never knew coding could be so much fun!

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

woaw it's really been an amazing journey! so exited with what SheCodes has made out of me this far. Must admit wasn't that easy getting to work with APIs for the first time, working with multiple functions which can be confusing for a start. Thumbs up for my instructor Matt who made this complex aspects much easier in a fun and less tensed manner. Thanks SheCodes Team!!!🥰🥳🥳.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

This course has been a great way for me to regain some basic coding skills I have lost since doing computing in the early years of secondary school. The teaching has been really easy to follow and I even found myself doing extra snippets of research into other functions to increase the complexity of my codes slightly. I am entering my second year of an engineering degree, and I am going to be tackling some C++ coding in one of my modules there so I am very happy to have made some progress to regaining my footing in the subject before it gets too difficult this coming year.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I have been having so much fun creating pages from the codes I have been able to learn! I have had some times where a code just won't work but in the end it all comes together and I get it! I can't wait for what comes next!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I enjoyed every second of SheCode basic, Matt is a greater teacher and he makes coding sound fun and simple. I am so grateful I got a chance to learn how to code with Shecode. I have learnt so much so far and I am looking foward to learn some more.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

She Codes is extremely amazing i am so impressed with how the instructor explains everything in the most simplest way making coding fun and enjoyable.Its actually the best bootcamp for people with no prior IT experience.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Had a lot of fun completing this challenge

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I am in love with this program deeply. I just get so happy when I work through a problem and solve it. The material is so understandable, plus all the extra projects and add-ons are so fun and achievable. I can't wait to see my journey as a front-end developer blossom and to graduate as one of the great alumni.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I didn't know what to expect when starting my lessons . All I can say that the introduction to coding was fun, eye opening and informative. The platform breaks down the coding concepts into small tasks this way is easy to follow and complete the tasks.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

it was really exciting and fun coding an app, learned some advanced new skills, it was challenging but very worth it at the end.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I learned a lot and had fun while doing it! Looking forward to the next workshop!

Coding Workshops for Women

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220,889 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Easily understandable way to get a fundamental grasp on the syntax and how to apply them.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Thanks SheCodes for allowing me to connect with others and find motivation! I highly recommend SheCodes for anyone who might want to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript the fun way. The workshop is hands on, stress free and with links to actual documentations.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

The past few weeks on the SheCodes platform have been so much fun. Thank you to Matt for always encouraging that we source out ways to learn how to code, that made me push myself and I got a chance to dive into different ways of learning how to code. As Matt would say " This is a suggested solution, not "the" only solution."

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I'm excited because all the knowledge that SheCodes workshops are providing me. I'm learning a lot and I highly recommend to start coding now! It's really funny

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Very challenging workshop for javascript but Matt explained everything patiently for first timer like me. It is a fun and good workshop to learn about coding and I'm excited to go for next level now.

4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I always like the add-ons as they're a great chance to practice what you learnt in the main course making everything clearer, they're easier to complete and - as such - less frustrating and a bit more fun, plus Matt always adds something new and useful that's not included in the main course.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

The program was not only understandable but also incredibly interesting, keeping me engaged throughout the entire learning process. The instructor's professionalism and expertise were absolutely on point, making the learning experience even more enjoyable. I found the course materials well-structured and easy to follow, allowing me to grasp fundamental coding concepts effortlessly. Overall, SheCodes has provided me with a solid foundation in coding, and I am excited to continue my learning journey with their expert guidance. Thank you very much!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I don’t have enough words to express my appreciation for this amazing and challenging workshop! I was an absolute beginner when I joined SheCodes but I had so much fun learning from scratch! Matt is a super organized and resourceful instructor, and I really admire what he's doing! It amazed me how something like coding has many skills to teach such as logical thinking, computational thinking, creativity, patience, and more yet to come!'^^

4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

It was fun learning coding with SheCodes. I got to learn from the very basic thing which was super helpful because this is my first time to learn coding. Though sometimes I did find some difficulties, I'm glad that the other students in Slack are willing to help me. It might be challenging to learn new things from zero, but it was such a wonderful experience to me!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I had fun doing this workshop. It was exciting how certain elements were easy because I'm already familiar with them, but it was equally exciting figuring out the elements I was not familiar with. Overall, a great learning experience!

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I had much more fun than I thought I would by taking this course! Honestly, it was a blast to learn the basics and I would love to further my education with She Codes. 10/10 would recommend it to others interested in coding. Way better than trying to watch youtube videos, very interactive!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

This was a fun program I really enjoyed learning the basics of a new skill :)

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

This course definitely challenges you. It challenges your grit and perseverance. I had to do a lot of research. There were alot more nights of giving up for the night and coming back with a fresh mind. But I finished! I am so glad I stuck with it. You may feel really lost when starting the course on Javascript but with the practice this course requires, a lot of the functions will become less foreign.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I had a lot of fun with this! I enjoyed learning new techniques to make pages more exciting ☺️

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

A lot of fun. A lot of coding.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

Basics Add-On may sounds simplistic but it is still continuously challenging at best when learning to advance your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills. It helps me to review my work more diligently into practice. It is fun to learn there are more ways to enhance my creativity and knowing so many options to alter my elements. 😀

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I really loved this course - it felt fun and easy as well as supportive.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I had no experience in coding prior to SheCodes, but the concept was easier to grasp because of the great videos provided by Matt. He's an excellent teacher and made my experience at SheCodes fun and bearable. I'm definitely ready to start with SheCodes Plus.

4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

This was definitely a level-up from the basics course and I found it quite challenging to juggle the workload with a full-time job. However, by the end of it, I feel it has been very rewarding to be able to create a real, functional app. All the challenges and errors definitely improved my ability to debug and increased my overall comfort with coding. Onwards!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

This has been so much fun! I really enjoyed the basic course and look forward to learning more.

Coding Workshops for Women

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220,889 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 1 year ago

I had the most fun ever going through this introduction to coding. I'm looking forward to changing career paths and learning new skills. SheCodes makes it so fun and easy providing access to helpful coding tips and tools.