SheCodes Workshops Reviews | SheCodes

SheCodes Coding Workshop Reviews

What Alumni think of SheCodes

SheCodes teaches coding skills to busy women. SheCodes Workshops are hands-on, self-paced and 100% online.

Based on 221,028 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
SheCodes workshops are highly recommended by 200,000+ women, including employees from these companies:
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

React is definitely more challenging than I thought but having done both the weather and dictionary app gave me perspective on how to use it. It's funny how one small dot or letter can make an app crash. Both projects made me be even more alert and focused when typing. I ready ready for the next and final course💁🏽‍♀️👩🏽‍💻

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

It's really good course! Lessons are short and you have to send solutions after almost every of it and sometimes you need to ask google how to do what Matt haven't teach you but asking you to do :"D It's really not easy but it is fan and it is worth it! Really really thank you very much for this school!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes Basic is such a great workshop to start with coding. I have learnt so much and can't believe how fun it's been. Matt's videos are engaging and his clear explanations, plus the hands-on practice, were exactly what I needed.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I am a newbie to the tech industry, so I can't believe I have learnt how to code. So exciting. The course is pretty well organized. I enjoyed applying all the gained skills to the practical challenge in each lesson. It was fun. Thank you :)

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes Plus is such a wonderful workshop! You get to build upon what you have learnt week by week, so much so that you don't even realise how much knowledge you have actually gained over such a short time period! Would highly recommend!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

The course was really well-organized and easy enough for new learners. I never realized the learning could be fun and easy. Thank you, SheCodes team, for giving me such an exciting experience!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

This is such an amazing workshop. Highly recommended for everyone! Thank you for everything SheCodes team, you guys are the best! 🤩

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

brilliant course and enjoyable for anyone hoping to start coding!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

You can learn coding easily if you want and try. You can watch lesson's video, do challenges and ask questions every time you are confused. Every lesson teaches you clearly the subject and after doing the challenges, you will understand them very well.

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

This was so much fun, and I developed some amazing new skills. The way the lessons were delivered worked well for my learning style, and the deadlines were very easy to balance with my full-time work schedule. Highly recommend this for anyone looking to jumpstart their coding abilities.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Such a good course. I had so much fun by learning coding. Thank you!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

The basics workshop takes a topic that I once found dense and intimidating and breaks it into easy-to-follow lessons and challenges. The way the content is presented is also perfect for my learning style. SheCodes has motivated me to continue my coding journey and I am so grateful to have found this course.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

As someone fairly new to coding for websites (outside of toggling with MySpace when I was younger), SheCodes was organized in a way that was easy to follow and Matt Delac is a great instructor. I would recommend this course to anyone with an interest in learning more about HTML, CSS, and javascript.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

So glad I took this intro class! It really walked me through and helped me understand the basic of coding.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes is a game-changer! I've tried out a different coding bootcamp a couple months ago, but it wasn't as intuitive and helpful as this program has been. Matt's instructions and guidance is concise and to the point while still being able to explain the necessities in a simple way that a beginner like me can follow. 10/10, I'd recommend it to anyone interested in getting started!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Absolutely loved SheCodes Basics! Can't wait for the other courses - Matt made learning these concepts very easy and straight forward and shared great sources along the way. Also LOVE the SheCodes Radio! Highly recommend to anyone looking for an intro course that is informative without being overwhelming!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes Plus was a great course that deepened my knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript, along with hosting, development workflow and so much more!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

This program is a great way to learn how to code quickly, efficiently, and easily. I would highly recommend that many people take this course as it helps one build on and learn new skills.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I thoroughly enjoyed taking the SheCodes Basics course. I learned a lot about HTML, CSS and Javascript in a very short time and now know enough to create a decent looking front end webpage. I cannot wait to further my knowledge and skill set and see just how far I can go in this industry. Thank you SheCodes for being a great stepping stone on this amazing journey!

Coding Workshops for Women

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221,028 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I look forward to taking more workshops from SheCodes. I like that the lessons are very short and that you have an opportunity to practice what you learned with the challenges and the homework.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I had so much fun working on the weather app project! I was amazed by how much I learned in this workshop. The videos are well paced and informative, the challenges are fun, and the the weekly deadlines help me stay on track. Can't wait to continue doing workshops and learning more coding!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I didn't know anything about coding, or had any experience with using it. I've always been interested in it, but I didn't know where to begin. At first, I was very intimidated because it seemed so difficult. I didn't even think that I was capable of learning it. SheCodes gave me the confidence and the experience to want to learn even more about coding. Thank you for this amazing experience!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Being furloughed, I was interested in growing my skill set to potentially change fields. I wanted to give coding a try knowing it plays a major role in nearly all businesses. I had no prior knowledge in coding and, honestly, i'm not even great with technology/computers in general and I was able to LEARN SO MUCH and felt so supported. Don't get me wrong there were times i got super frustrated, but the video tutorials were super helpful along side the support team you can ask questions to at anytime. Thats ultimately what led to my success in finishing the course, and i'm so glad I did.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I'm so happy I came back for SheCodes Plus! I've tried several other coding courses and was really struggling to understand JavaScript. Matt's videos are engaging and his clear explanations, plus the hands-on practice, were exactly what I needed. Super excited to continue with the Responsive and React courses!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes Responsive is a great course that helps you to learn how to build responsive websites that look good on mobiles, tablets or big screens. It was very fun to work on my own portfolio website and I am very happy how it turned out. My HTML and CSS skills have definitely improved and I am looking forward to continue developing my skills.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I never thought I'd be able to understand front end code, let alone write it. Yet, here we are three weeks after taking the SheCodes plunge and I've just submitted my first project! The best thing about it? I looked forward to working on the project and the mini challenges every day. Matt teaches at the perfect pace and I love that you can recap on lessons if you want a refresh. 😊 I can't wait to start SheCodes Plus now and build on the knowledge - very excited to see where this goes! 🙌

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

This weather app is my second project with SheCodes. It's been quite an adventure for me. I started off strong, then I was ill for a couple of months, but I was happy to finally get back to finishing it. I struggled quite a bit, but I am so grateful for João's tremendous kindness and help - I couldn't have achieved my vision without him. I am so happy and proud of the result. I really hope to come back to this project and figure out how to get the page to load faster because that's the only thing that bothers me a bit. Aside from that, I have learned a lot! I created my own SVGs, which I can now say I will never do again, but I am happy for the experience :P I learned about APIs, hosting, GitHub, and obtained greater knowledge of JavaScript, which is not easy - I still have a lot to learn, but thanks to SheCodes I know a lot more than I did last year. I am now moving on to React and then Responsive. I am super excited! Thank you Matt, João, Julie, and Daniela! :D

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I have always wanted to get into coding but didn't know where to start or what direction to go in. The SheCodes workshop gave me a starting point. Their style of teaching, the 5-10 minute videos with the challenges, really help my learning experience. Like anything it just takes practice, practice, practice. I look foward to enhancing my skills with their other workshops!

4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

The weather app was the second project I was able to realize through SheCodes. I learned such fundamental things as using APIs, using a hosting service to make my app accessible online and how to connect and update this hosting service with my code on GitHub. Besides that my understanding for Java Script was really broadened. At the same time this course was definitely much more complex than "SheCodes Basics" and I really struggled sometimes. When I got stuck the support of SheCodes helped out very professionally! Big shout-out to João and Bruno!!

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes was a great introductory course into coding!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I really enjoyed building the projects. I have to admit that this workshop was pretty advanced for me but I loved to see how I was improving to find my mistakes. Thank you for all your help!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I really enjoyed this workshop. I would highly recommend it!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes Basics taught me more than any free program I'd done before. Matt teaches how the languages actually work rather than forcing you to memorize. It's much more effective and you can go at your own pace!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

What I loved the most about this workshop is that I could be creative using coding (something I could have never imagined). I had so much fun and I definitley want to continue learning 👩‍💻.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

After almost five months of SheCodes I can only repeat myself again and again: SheCodes is such a nice idea! I have learned so much and in such a relaxed evironment! I am very sad that it is already over, but I hope that there will be a new workshop some day! Thank you again!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes taught me the basics I need to get started in coding and help my career as a web designer 😁

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Really interesting and fun course! It was challenging at times but overall everything made complete sense. I got a lot of help and constructive criticism along the way, which was super useful. I'm so glad I did it and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to learn the basics of coding.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Wow what an amazing challenge this has been! I have learnt so much and can't believe how fun it's been. I have definitely made the right decision choosing this course and coding as a career change!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Great course! Lessons are easy to follow with many opportunities to practice directly, get help and constructive feedback.

Coding Workshops for Women

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221,028 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

This section was definitely more challenging than I had expected, but it was fun. I did find myself getting frustrated at times, but that drove me even harder to find where the problems were and to fix them. I feel more prepared to work with this program in real-life and understand more of the logic behind coding and how to build things and how to build them. This whole program has been a new, fun and neat learning experience and I am so excited to see where it will take me in the future!!!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes Basics was an engaging experience. The lessons were easy to follow and fun to complete. Before this workshop, code looked like a completely alien language to me. Now, I am happy to say, not only can I understand code, but I have the basic skills to create some really cool web pages. I can't wait to learn more. Thank you, Matt and SheCodes!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I enjoyed this course so much, I am very proud of my development throughout the SheCodes courses and am confident in my ability to create beautiful and responsive websites!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes was a great introduction to stepping into the tech world! Definitely recommend the course to anyone trying to figure out if they are interested in coding.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes workshop was very informative. I started off not knowing a lot about coding and within three weeks, I have started to develop a basic understanding and was able to create a webpage of my own. I would highly recommend this workshop to beginners.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I have found the past couple of weeks hugely informative and well taught assuming no knowledge but avoiding being patronising. I've really enjoyed learning the basics of coding, creative and frustrating and satisfying! :)

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Pretty ambitious so pushing myself harder and harder everyday ;)

4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

With SheCodes you can learn to program from 0. The format they offer is very dynamic thanks to the weekly challenges and homework. In three weeks I have learned a lot about HTML, CSS and JS.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I liked this course a lot, it was fun and easy to understand. Very reasonably paced too.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

This course was absolutely awesome and I would recommend it to everyone! Back when I was at university, I had the programming language "C" in my first semester. I totally hated it, because of the way how they taught us to code. With Matt it was completely different and super fun! I really enjoyed learning and I'm super happy to have participated in the workshop. Thank you so much!

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60-minute FREE Coding Class for Beginners

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4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

This was a really fun course, although I found the javascript element hard to grasp. I'm looking forward to learning more though, and excited to explore more coding workshops at SheCodes!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

This course was great! It was interesting to learn about SEO as well as Flexbox and responsive grids/images. As always Matt and his team, João and Bruno especially, were super helpful in answering any questions I had along the way.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

This course was so much fun ! I learnt so much and I'm further to improve ! It is an incredible workshop! Matt Delac it is a exceptional mentor and the guidance is very objective and it's easy to follow ! I'm looking forward to learn & code more ! Is easy to stay on track !

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

The course broke down the basics of coding really well and is great for beginners who are struggling to find somewhere to start. It made it much easier to learn than trawling the endless resources on the internet and trying to find the definitions of basic jargon. Everything was very clearly explained and the frequent practice tasks helped cement the information.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Absolutely loved the course. Everything is so well explained and easy to follow.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes Basics taught me a good basis for coding that I wanted to build on, so I enrolled in SheCodes Plus shortly after graduating from the beginner's course. I have learned so much in the last 8 weeks and am sad that this course has come to an end now, but I look forward to the next course. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn coding.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Another SheCodes project finished, and when I look back to my first project, I'm amazed on how much more professional my work now looks. Matt provides us the tools to build on our previous knowledge!

4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Really enjoyed it, learnt so much that I had no idea about.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Really fun and challenging!! It was much harder than I thought it'd be and seeing other people ask questions on slack really gave a friendly atmosphere

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Really interesting lessons and workshops ! Everything is explained properly and is simple to follow in order to learn the core basics !

Coding Workshops for Women

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221,028 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I started the workshop when I was going through an uninspiring moment in my life. After taking part in Matt's free taster workshop I decided to sign up and find out more. I needed a new challenge and a new hobby; coding turned out to be both.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes has been a fantastic experience! Matt's training is logical, interactive and challenging (in a good way!). The programme is well paced and easy to follow and the team on hand when you get stuck to offer fast and friendly help.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I'm currently a senior in high school who's always been passionate about art and technology. As university is right around the corner, at the beginning I struggled a lot to figure out whether if I wanted to go to university for something design-related or for something tech-related. High-quality courses like SheCodes gave me the confidence to be free to choose whatever I wanted to go to Uni for, knowing that these fabulous external learning tools would help me gather valuable knowledge to make of my vocation whatever I really want it to be, building it with the skills that I want to have, and not just with the knowledge I’d get from a single career at a university. SheCodes is really helping me reach my dreams in an even more fun way than could’ve thought.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes has always taught me a lot! This is my fourth workshop. I loved doing this Responsive workshop. I hope there are more for me to continue working on my skills in the future!! I am also currently a student and it has been easier to get through some of my classes because of SheCodes. Thank you!!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I had so much fun creating this project with SheCodes ♥ It allowed me to get creative with the skills learnt so far and I am looking forward to beginning the next module. The lesson format is perfect to allow me to go at my own pace.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I'm absolutely in love with this course. I didn't finish my project on time though but it keeps you motivated to continue, to find a spare moment and archive the goal, even step by step. Can't wait for my React Challenge and looking forward to practice all the knowledge! Thankyou so much SheCodes :)

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

My third workshop with SheCodes and once again, very satisfied with it! I'm happy I was taught how to make an online portfolio of my current projects and that it is responsive. Can't wait to add more projects to my portfolio and continue to improve it.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

My curiosity for a basic understanding of what this "coding" thing is, that everyone is talking about, has been answered 🧐 After going through all the (long) HTML & CSS lessons, the JavaScript chapters seemed super short. So my advice is: Join in and pull through (and don't let that long first chapter scare you off 😉). I wouldn't exclude joining other coding classes on some time soon - definitely hooked 😃

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Learned a lot in the last three weeks and made me excited to learn more.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Since I started SheCodes, I fully grasped the basics of HTML, CSS and Javascript. The learning style is perfect fit for me and I totally enjoyed the challenges after each lesson. Thank you SheCodes!

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

What a great workshop! I was able to finish the basics course in a week and I've learned so much! It was a lot of fun trying to implement everything and when I got stuck, I easily jumped over to Slack for help. Would totally recommend this course!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Learning how to code HTML, CSS and JavaScript with SheCodes was the best decision I made. Easy to follow and challenging at the same time. I would highly recommend the workshop to all interested in learning.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I have always been interested in coding. I, unfortunately, was told I was not a good fit for coding when I enrolled in college due to my lifestyle (wife and mother of two). I decided to follow the counselor's advice and in 2020 completed my major in Creative Writing. Throughout my school years, however, I took some coding classes and came across SheCodes--a coding program specifically built for women! Now that I am more confident and have more time for myself, I signed up with SheCodes ^_^ The lessons are broken down in a way that makes learning to code approachable, and the final project truly involved all that I learned. The SheCodes support team was very kind, understanding, and helpful. It's an efficient and easy-to-follow program, I recommend it to all.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I've started this course with zero knowlodgment about coding and I'm very happy with the things that I've learned.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

A well structured course with lots of great learnings and challenges. It's definitely challenging at times but very rewarding. I would highly recommend this course.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

This workshop has been incredibly helpful in furthering my professional development. Can't wait to start the next workshop!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I never thought that I would be learning how to code, or at least trying to! The workshops show that it is absolutely possible no matter of your education or experience. It is super exciting to gain such a knowledge to understand a little bit of programming and to be able to create a simple website. Topics are easily explained and the prepared challenges are motivating to look for more on your own.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

As a computer engineer, I recommend that having programming skills is a best asset to increase personal and work skills.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Loved this course. It was certainly challenging (more so than the previous workshops) I so appreciated Matt's humbleness though and how he's still perfecting the skill of making webpages responsive. He's an incredible instructor, and the help received on Slack was priceless. I gained a lot of confidence in my coding skills during the workshop and look forward to coding more, in SheCodes continues to impress me as an organization. I love everything they are about, especially their focus to offer training for free in developing countries. So cool! Can't wait for React!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

This was a geat adventure. I came across shecodes many times and I decided to go for it but I do not regret it. It's very easy to learn how to code with Matt. looking forward to learn more...

Coding Workshops for Women

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221,028 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Another great course from SheCodes! I had fun creating the weather app step by step with Matts instructions and clarifications. The strong part of the course is the great not too long lessons and the fact that you can go back to the material and learn from your mistakes. Thank you!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes is an incredible platform to learn to code! It keeps your attention focused and is a really fun skill to develop. I have enjoyed my lessons here, and I particularly like the fact that I could learn at my own pace.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I have frequently come across SheCodes ads on Facebook, but I was hesitant at first. I thought it's going to be difficult and eventually my motivation would fade. However, as I moved past lessons after lessons, I realized coding was so much fun and easy to navigate! Matt was clear with his instructions and made the lessons concise yet understandable. The team was also very responsive. I highly recommend this!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

These 3 weeks have been extremely educational and amazing! What SheCodes is doing is mind blowing and I am grateful to be part of this empowering programme.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I often say to everyone around me that SheCodes is the best thing that has ever happened in my life so far. In my case, this course is not about learning coding only and by the way, we have the best teacher ever... but it is also about fulfillment and happiness with what I am doing. I'll be forever grateful for everything I've learned here and for starting my journey in the best place. The course is so well done that I could learn something from each lesson and apply immediately to my project. Matt is absolutely awesome! I am extremely excited to start React and have a lot of fun ... today!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

This was a great course to complete to dip your feet into front end development. The videos were easy to follow along with and I liked the mini challenges along the way that helped me cement my learnings. I would recommend this course to friends and family and it felt so great to build my very first landing page!!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

What a great challenge! I've learned so much in such a short time, it's incredible. It was a lot of fun trying to implement everything you had in mind, struggling, sometimes changing your plan along the way... Would totally recommend this course! Thanks a lot! 💚

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Three weeks ago, I did not know a single thing about coding. Today, I have an idea of the coding field, what it means when people say "coding is a language," essential software used to design websites, and a genuine appreciation for those who code. The lessons Matt created met me where I was at, which was zero experience. Not only was it empowering to see myself coding, but it also showed how relevant it is in my social work career. So fun to see an idea come to life!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes is the best!! I had little experience with coding prior to taking this workshop and it has helped me learn so many new concepts in a short period of time and I am very confident in my new skills. I can't wait to move on to SheCodes Plus!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I really enjoyed this course, it was easy to follow, the challenges are awesome because it allows to test what you have just learn! Coming from someone that hasn't coded anything in the past, this course is a great way to get the curiosity going. Looking forward to learn more advanced tools. Thank you!

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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

This workshops provides a solid foundation for anyone to learn!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

This class was truly breathtaking. I really had a great time challenging myself. It was not all easy, however, the great team of coders and other learners are there to assist and guide you. If you are interested in coding and learning about software, I would greatly recommend SheCodes Basics. I'm just a freshman in high school and I was able to do it. That's just how "simple" it is ☺️.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

These classes were amazing! There was a lot of info to take in but the instructor, Matt, made it fun. The challenges really helped as well!

4/5 - Recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

It's easy and fun to learn how to code with a great teacher and a great platform. Thanks to Matt and all the SheCodes team. I'm looking forward to learning even more <3

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes Basic is a very good platform for a beginner like me. The workshop is well organized and makes you want to explore and learn more. Matt explains everything step by step which makes it easier to understand. Happy Coding :)

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

It was very short and I got to learn many new things. I do recommend this for beginners.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

A great introduction to front-end! I feel like enrolling in the more advanced courses!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

I would never think I could learn something so techy. It's definitely just a beginning for me but the SheCodes course taught me the possibilities. It's been a challenging but fun journey now I'm so interested in learning more about coding and want to get better at it. I'm so glad I have found and studied with SheCodes.

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

SheCodes Plus was absolutely amazing. I enjoyed every week and being able to see my project progress. I had so much fun building my weather app!

5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

Great entry level course! The course continued to build upon skills and helped reinforce new knowledge with assignments. Matt even takes the time to show you multiple resources that will help further your knowledge. I recommend this course for anyone interested in programming!

Coding Workshops for Women

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221,028 reviews from SheCodes Alumni
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5/5 - Highly recommended
🎓Graduated 3 years ago

This Is the Best coding course ever! The directions are easy to follow. Matt Is an amazing Teacher.