My Coding Journey: A Tale of Dedication and Success

My name is Olena Barylova. I have escaped from Ukraine to the Netherlands because of the war in my country. One day, I stumbled upon a flyer for She Codes Workshops, a series of coding workshops designed to empower women in tech. Intrigued by the idea of learning something new, I decided to attend the workshops. With no prior experience in coding, I found myself at the very beginning of my coding journey. It was a challenging endeavor, but I knew that hard work and perseverance are the key to each success. My coding journey has been a challenging yet rewarding experience to delve into this entirely new field. I firmly believe that the only way to truly learn something is to dedicate myself to studying day by day.

Embarking on a new journey in life can be both daunting and exhilarating, especially when it involves stepping into an entirely new field of knowledge. As a 41-year-old busy lady originally from Ukraine, now living in Amsterdam, my coding journey began with the She Codes Workshops. This story aims to highlight the challenges and rewards of my coding experience and emphasize the importance of daily dedication in acquiring new skills.

Olena's Photo

I am a 41-year-old busy lady, originally from Ukraine and currently living in Amsterdam. My coding journey began with She Codes Workshops, and it has been an incredible experience from the very beginning.

The She Codes Workshops: A Gateway to New Possibilities

When I first attended the She Codes Workshops, I had no prior experience or knowledge of coding. However, the workshops provided me with a supportive and inclusive learning environment, allowing me to start my journey from scratch. The structured curriculum, coupled with the guidance of experienced mentors, created the perfect foundation for my coding adventure.

The Challenges

A Stepping-Stone to Growth: Delving into a completely new field was not without its fair share of challenges. The learning process was intense, and at times, I felt overwhelmed by the complexities of coding. However, I firmly believe that it is through facing challenges head-on that we grow the most. Rather than getting discouraged by setbacks, I embraced them as opportunities to learn and improve.

Tired but Happy Me Near PC. Here is a photo of me during my coding journey. I may look tired, but I am happy and determined to keep pushing forward.

Dedication: The Key to Mastery

Throughout my coding journey, one valuable lesson I learned was the importance of dedication. As a busy lady with numerous responsibilities, finding time for studying was not always easy. However, I realized that true mastery could only be achieved through daily commitment. I made it a point to dedicate a specific time each day to coding, allowing me to progress steadily and retain what I had learned.

Reward and Fulfillment

The rewards of my coding journey have been immeasurable. As I delved deeper into the world of coding, I began to understand the beauty of problem-solving and the power of creating something from scratch. Each small victory brought a sense of fulfillment and motivation to continue my journey.

Cup of Tea This is my constant companion - a cup of coffee. It provides me with the support and motivation I need to overcome any challenges I face

Expanding Horizons

Discovering New Possibilities: Beyond the personal growth and satisfaction, coding has opened up a world of possibilities for me. I now have the ability to create websites, develop applications, and contribute to the tech community. The skills I gained have not only boosted my professional prospects but have also enhanced my overall understanding of the digital era we live in.

Me smiling Studying coding is challenging, but I know that it is the only way to learn something new. I dedicate myself to studying this field day by day, working hard to improve my skills.


My coding journey has been a testament to the power of dedication and perseverance. By joining the She Codes Workshops and immersing myself in the world of coding, I have achieved not only personal growth but also gained invaluable skills that have widened my horizons. I encourage anyone who is considering venturing into coding to embrace the challenges, dedicate themselves to continuous learning, and embark on this rewarding journey. Remember, the only way to truly learn something is to dive deep and study day by day

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