Melisa Moyo

Front-end Web Developer

I am a Front-End Developer and my passion lies in ongoing learning, web development, and elevating user experiences in the digital realm.

My Journey

About Me

Female Face

Front-end Developer from Gauteng, South Africa

Greetings! I'm Melisa Moyo, a passionate front-end developer from South Africa. With a background in Business Management and a keen interest in Information Technology, I embarked on an exciting programming journey. This journey is more than a career choice; it's a reflection of my unwavering commitment to the ever-evolving digital landscape.

The fusion of business skills and tech fascination has shaped my perspective, allowing me to create engaging web experiences while understanding technology's profound impact on businesses and users. It's the fusion of these worlds that drives me to bridge the gap between innovative tech solutions and the practical needs of today's businesses, ensuring that each project resonates with both functionality and creativity.

Starting with HTML, I delved into the world of digital storytelling. It was a transformative moment that unlocked the potential to turn lines of code into captivating narratives. As I mastered HTML and CSS, I honed the art of blending aesthetics and user-friendly design. With every project, I embrace the challenge of weaving both elegance and usability into the fabric of the digital landscape, forging a dynamic path that adapts and refines with each new endeavor.

My Coding Journey: From Novice to Developer

As I set out on my coding journey, I was filled with a sense of adventure and curiosity. The uncharted territory of coding held the promise of new horizons and boundless opportunities. Yet, in this thrilling journey, I soon discovered that coding, like any path in life, had its own share of peaks and valleys. It became apparent that both the highs and lows were integral to my growth as a developer. One of my initial moments of elation arrived when I successfully authored my first HTML code, crafting a basic web page. While it may seem modest in retrospect, that instant of accomplishment held immense significance for me. These small victories acted as potent motivators, nurturing my curiosity and fueling my appetite for knowledge.As I delved deeper into the realm of CSS, I unearthed the sheer joy of transforming an ordinary webpage into a captivating visual masterpiece. The artistry entailed in web design provided a constant source of exhilaration. The ability to articulate my ideas through code was nothing short of liberating. JavaScript introduced a distinct form of excitement - the exhilaration of tackling intricate challenges. Crafting scripts that endowed web pages with interactivity and responsiveness evoked an incredible sense of accomplishment.

Throughout this incredible journey, I've witnessed a remarkable evolution not only in my coding skills but also in my personal growth. SheCodes has been a guiding light, a source of inspiration, and a wellspring of knowledge that has transformed me in ways I never anticipated. I am immensely grateful to SheCodes for paving the way for my coding adventure. SheCodes has played a pivotal role in nurturing and developing my coding skills. It provided me with an environment where learning became a delightful experience, thanks to the invaluable guidance and expertise of the SheCodes team. In particular, the lessons from Matt, the founder of SheCodes, have been nothing short of insightful. His unique teaching style and passion for coding not only made learning enjoyable but also fostered a deeper understanding of the craft. Matt's approach injected an element of fun into the learning process, making coding more engaging and relatable. Through the mentorship and support I received from SheCodes, I've cultivated a sense of resilience. I've learned to welcome challenges as opportunities for growth and to celebrate successes, no matter how small. Each low point in this journey has served as a stepping stone, propelling me to even greater heights in the vast realm of coding. SheCodes has been the compass that guided me through the uncharted waters of coding. It has provided me with not only the technical skills but also the encouragement and mindset needed to excel in this ever-evolving field. As I look back on my journey, I am truly grateful for the transformative experience that SheCodes has offered me.

My Work

I'm an aspiring Front-End Developer with a diverse portfolio, including chocolate muffin websites, weather apps, and croissant platforms. Every project I take on is a gateway to immerse myself in cutting-edge technologies, novel problem-solving approaches, and innovative solutions. I see each project as more than just a task; it's a platform for continuous self-improvement, where I eagerly embrace the chance to learn, adapt, and refine my skills. This unwavering commitment to growth is the driving force behind my passion for coding. It ignites my enthusiasm for embracing fresh challenges and venturing into uncharted territories, where I can experiment with pioneering ideas and create solutions that redefine the limits of what's achievable in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Chocolate Muffins Project

Chocolate App


Weather App Project

Weather App


Croissant Project

Croissant App


My Experience

I've gained valuable experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and React during my time with SheCodes. This comprehensive skill set equips me to excel in various aspects of web development, ensuring that I can effectively contribute to projects of different scopes and complexities. Whether it's building beautiful front-end interfaces, developing interactive web applications, or implementing responsive designs, my knowledge and experience have positioned me as a versatile and capable web developer. My strong HTML foundation allows me to create structured and semantic web content, while CSS skills enable me to design visually appealing and responsive layouts. Proficiency in JavaScript adds interactivity and dynamic features, Bootstrap facilitates efficient and responsive design, and I'm actively learning React to craft modern, interactive web applications.

HTML 100%
CSS 100%
JavaScript 100%
Bootstrap 90%
GitHub 100%
React 50%

Contact Me

Feel free to reach out for any inquiries, collaborations, or just to say hello. You can Email or connect with me on Linkedin. I'm always eager to connect and explore new opportunities.

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