
P!nk 2020 break announcement

Trustfall album Pink

A therapeutic musical release: P!nk's "Trustfall"

“ ‘Trustfall’ is sort of [about] two things … I feel like we’re falling backwards, and the ground is uncertain. But it’s also that freedom and letting go, trusting and having faith in the universe that it’s going to take care of you.” - New York Post

P!nk queer icon

P!nk - A Queer Icon

"P!nk has been rocking androgynous looks since her 2000 debut, something she addressed in her VMAs speech earlier this year. In response to her daughter’s concerns about being bullied for looking like a boy, the singer created a Powerpoint presentation of musicians who played with gender: Michael Jackson, Annie Lennox, David Bowie and more.
She also shared what she told her daughter about her gender-bending style: “When people make fun of me, that’s what they use. They say I look like a boy or I’m too masculine or I have too many opinions, my body is too strong.” Rather than conforming to society’s expectations, P!nk finished by saying, “We don’t change. We take the gravel and the shell and we make a pearl. And we help other people to change so they can see more kinds of beauty.” " - Billboard