
The aim of GreenSeas Trust is to educate, promote and implement environmental programmes to eliminate plastics entering the seas and coastal areas.
Our goal is to ensure marine life and fish stocks are sustainable for future generations.

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The Problem

Marine plastic pollution is a consequence of people thinking:

  • It’s only one piece of plastic, what harm can it do?
  • The sea is vast, rubbish will not affect it adversely.
  • My life is not affected by plastics in the oceans.
  • Climate change has nothing to do with marine plastics.

The Reality

But the truth of the matter is:

  • There are over 51 trillion microplastics in the sea and counting. 500 times more than the stars in our galaxy.
  • Plastics are in the food chain! 1/3 of all fish caught off UK shores have plastics in them.
  • Seafood eaters ingest up to 11,000 tiny pieces of plastic every year with dozens of particles becoming embedded in human tissues.
  • The degradation and breakdown of plastics represents a previously unrecognized source of greenhouse gases.


"The positive visual image the BinForGreenSeas displays, helps to encourage visitors to the beach to dispose of their litter responsibly."

Ian Arnell Seafront Officer

“Canary Wharf has recovered on average, over 60kgs per month of PET bottles from going to Waste to Energy. Instead, we are sending them down our recycling stream.”

David Brown General Manager

“The bin is eye catching with a strong environmental message. It is a talking point along the seafront, with residents and holiday makers.”

Dan Clocks SOperation Manager

“We have emptied the BinForGreenSeas nearly 100 times and collected over half a tonne of waste which could otherwise have been left on the beach.”

Harry Briggs Environmental Enforcer