music: Denis Stelmakh - Nevermore
Being fascinated by fairy tales about people talking to animals, I
have always considered the latter creatures higher than people in
terms of perception, instincts and performance. Cows have been an
especially magnificent and enigmatic creatures to me, whose wisdom
yet I am incapable of comprehending. I consider them as sacred as
all the other animals, still they take a special corner in my heart. I dream that one day all animals
considered "farm"/"domestic"/etc. will be treated as best friends,
wise and compassinate companions and will live free roam, healthy
and happy till the day Death comes to take their souls to Heavenly Father.
Life of industrial animals is appaling from every angle - life conditions, life expectancy, food given to them, human attitude, their early and painful death, etc. Those interested can find all the statistics/visuals/proofs needed to see the scale of this disaster called "dairy/meat industry". The most courageous or emotionally stable can watch the film "Earthlings" of 2005 till the end. Plus PETA's live videos. And Instagram videos from slaughterhouses - you name it. This rabbit hole is endless.
Before and nowadays in ingenious cultures in order to kill the animal, the hunter had to stalk him for several hours at the same speed, and in case he managed to get him, he asked for forgiveness before killing the animal knowing that he will be hunted and caught by Death in the very same way. And he thanked the animal for his fur/meat/etc. and treated him with due respect. Besides, the hunter has never killed more animals than he needed for food.
Nowadays, "industrial" animals are killed at an enormous scale in various manners without humanity, remorse, thanksfullness for the meat/fur/etc. they provide. They are just regarded as resourse.
‘Til The Cows Come Home` is an Australian animal charity group,
est. in 2018 which rescues "non-profit-anymore" farm animals,
rehabilitates them and rehomes into the safe loving forever homes
with life conditions that animals truly deserve. At those homes
they live till the end of their lives, being considered friends,
and not a resourse.
Feel free to visit their sunlit website, write them a heart-warming
letter, make a donation, enjoy photos of cute animals gathered
together, read animals' rescue stories or just get warm in the light of their kindness to our fluffy
Here is Joar Berge - German vegan, farm animal ambassador, sanctuary co-founder and just a wonderful man to look at and be inspired by. He does the same grand work, but nor being a NGO organisation.
~~ Thanksful to all the people loving animals & contributing to
their wellness ~~
Coded with love and appreciation by Anastasiia Ponomarenko 28.12.2022