A Treasure Hunt by Byron Priess

The Secret A Treasure Hunt

"We've been expecting you."

The Secret - A Treasure Hunt by Byron Preiss is the 40 year old treasure hunt across the US and Canada that could see one smart reader rewarded with their own precious jewel!

The story tells the journey of the lost fair people and their arrival to the new world. With them they brought 12 precious gems;

The Garnet 💎 The Amythyst 💎 The Aquamarine 💎 The Diamond 💎 The Emerald 💎 The Pearl 💎 The Ruby 💎 The Peridot 💎 The Sapphire 💎 The Opal 💎 The Topaz 💎 The Turquoise 💎

The task is easy, within the book are 12 images and 12 verses. When paired correctly they will lead you to the real world location of the treasures.

❗️Warning - The Secret is as frustrating as it is intriguing❗️

The deeper you enter the harder it is to leave. If you want the ultimate rabbit hole game this is it.

Only 3 have ever been found. Could you be the next character in this 40 year old mystery?

There is a huge community of treasure hunters still actively searching for the lost treasures. The Secret is a fantastic opportunity to meet new friends but also have fun (and who wouldn't want to be a treasure hunter?)

For further information head to the 12 Treasures website to start your treasure hunting journey today!

Go Treasure hunting today 👉

Locations of Treasures

Below is a list of the locations thought to hold the treasures. Click on a location for more information

Roanoke Milwaukee Cleaveland Charleston Chicago San-Francisco Houston

Pop Quiz

Take the pop Quiz to see if you could be a treasure hunter.