Ada Lovelace is one of the inspirational women of the past , present and future.

Ada Lovelace image

Ada Lovelace lived from 1815 till 1852. She is regarded as the world's first computer programmer. Her mother was anxious about Ada's upbringing and promoted her interest in mathematics and logic. Her educational and social exploits brought her into contact with scientists such as Andrew Crosse, Sir David Brewster, Charles Babbage and author Charles Dickens which she used to further her education.

In the 19th century, she collaborated with inventor Charles Babbage โ€“ who designed the steam-powered mechanical computer, the Analytical Engine, and recognised the machine's potential. Ada went on to write instructions that allowed the machine to create complex music, art and mathematical tables. Her work laid the foundation for modern computer programming. Without formal education,Ada is a perfect example that with determination, networking and persevearance one can reach their goals. Click this link to learn more about Ada and other inspirational women who lived to bring significant change in their respective communities and the world at large.