My Role Model


Sorrell Johnston is a great example of how maturity and achievement is not defined by age. At 22 years of age she has overcome every obstascle that has crossed her path. Her heart of gold and humbleness are few of the reasons why she is more than a role model, she is also my best friend.
Sorrell has an extraordinary work ethic, her strive to accomplish all her goals is amazing. In today's society it is rare to see such independence in a young woman. Financially, everything she owns has been through her own hard work. emotionally she is the greatest listener, support system, and motivator. Sorrell's personality can not go unmentioned. Her goofines and playfulness lights up the room she enters, so quick to always make a friend everywhere she goes. Even when times are rough she always maintains a positivity like no other. In life and at the gym, she encourages me to never stop, no matter how tired i am.
"We only fail, when we give up "

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