Harry Potter

Film series

based on the eponymous novels by J. K. Rowling

Welcome to Harry potter world!
If you know this world you're my friend and nice to meet you, you can have fun and find a lot of funny stuff here.
but if you don't know anything about this world I'm sorry, I have to call you a Muggle :( , don't worry you can learn, and this site is the easiest way for you to learn.
Let's get on the train and go to Hogwarts.


Expecto Patronum!

The Patronus is a form of advanced magic which even the most qualified wizards can struggle with.

Deathly Hallows

The three legendary objects, (the cloak, the wand and the stone) together made up the Deathly Hallows.

Diagon Alley

Befor going to Hogwarts, we need to do some shopping!


1,090,739 words, 3,363 pages, 199 chapter, 17 hours and 14 minutes, 772 characters, 8 movies, 7 books, 1 story, and this is

Harry Potter


School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a boarding school of magic for students aged eleven to seventeen.
Founded around the 9th century and 10th century by Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff and Salazar Slytherin, Hogwarts was established in the Highlands of Scotland to educate young wizards and witches as well as to keep students safe from Muggle persecution. Theory has it that Rowena Ravenclaw came up with the name of Hogwarts after dreaming of a warty hog that led her to a cliff by a lake. Since then, Hogwarts educated most wizarding children with residence in Great Britain and Ireland, keeping its location hidden from other wizarding schools and Muggles.

Hogwarts founders

Diagon alley

Diagon Alley is a wizarding shopping area located in London, England, which is completely hidden from the Muggle world. All items on the Hogwarts supply list could be bought at Diagon Alley. The alley was essentially the centre of wizarding London and was very large in area.
Access to Diagon Alley was behind the Leaky Cauldron in a small, walled courtyard with a dustbin. Diagon Alley could be accessed by tapping the correct brick in the wall behind the Leaky Cauldron (from the rubbish bin, three up and two across). The wall went in a small hole first but formed a large archway. It could also be accessed by Floo Powder and Apparition. There might have been other entrances as well.

First you need a wand, Mr Ollivanders will help you. But remember your wand has chosen you!

  • If you have money and love to fly, I suggest you buy Nimbus, maybe Nimbus 2023!
  • Expecto Patronum!

    The Patronus is a form of advanced magic which even the most qualified wizards can struggle with. Harry Potter was one of the youngest wizards to cast a corporeal Patronus, having been taught by Professor Lupin at the tender age of 13.
    As Professor Lupin told Harry in Prisoner of Azkaban, the Patronus is ‘a kind of Anti-Dementor – a guardian which acts as a shield between you and the Dementor.’ It’s also ‘a kind of positive force, a projection of the very things that the Dementor feeds upon – hope, happiness, the desire to survive – but it cannot feel despair, as real humans can, so the Dementors can’t hurt it.’
    The Patronus has two forms, non-corporeal and corporeal. A non-corporeal Patronus can appear as ‘a thin wisp of silver’ that hovers ‘like mist’. Whereas a corporeal Patronus has a form that is clearly defined and is more than vapour or smoke.
    The ability to cast a corporeal or non-corporeal Patronus is down to the skill of the witch or wizard. Each Patronus is unique to the witch or wizard who conjures it, and it’s possible, in some cases, for a Patronus to change.

    Stag patronus
    • Harry Potter
    • James Potter
    Doe patronus
    • Lily Potter
    • Severus Snape
    Phoenix patronus
    • Albus Dumbledore
    Wolf patronus
    • Remus Lupin
    • Nymphadora Tonks
    Cat patronus
    • Minerva McGonagall
    • Dolores Umbridge

    Deathly Hallows

    In The Tales of Beedle the Bard, the author presented his own version of the origin of the Hallows. Hundreds of years ago, the three Peverell brothers were travelling at twilight, and reached a river too dangerous to cross. The three brothers, being trained in the magical arts, simply waved their wands and created a bridge across the river. They were then stopped by Death himself, who felt cheated that they had gotten across the river, as most travellers drowned in it.
    Death, a cunning liar, then pretended to congratulate them on being clever enough to evade him, and offered each of them a powerful magical item. The first brother, Antioch Peverell, wished to have the most powerful wand out of his combative personality; Death broke a branch off a nearby elder tree and created for him the Elder Wand, a wand more powerful than any other in existence. The second brother, Cadmus Peverell, out of arrogance, wanted to humiliate Death even further, and wished to have the power to bring loved ones from the grave; Death then took a stone from the riverbed and created for him the Resurrection Stone, a stone capable of bringing the dead back to the living world. The third brother, Ignotus Peverell, who was a humble man, did not trust Death and asked to go on from the river without being followed by Death; Death then gave him his own Cloak of Invisibility, an invisibility cloak that never lost its power through curses or age. In time, the brothers went their separate ways.
    The three legendary objects, (the cloak, the wand and the stone) together made up the Deathly Hallows.
    Instead of being rewards for their cleverness, the Deathly Hallows were actually part of a cunning plan by Death to kill off the Peverells so he could take them for his own. However, Albus Dumbledore felt that it was more likely that the Hallows were actually created by the very talented and powerful brothers, and that the story of their origins as objects fashioned by Death sprang up around them as result of the powers they possessed.
    Antioch travelled to a wizarding village where he killed the man he once duelled with, he then boasted of the power of the Elder Wand, that it was unbeatable and in his possession, invoking envy amongst the many wanting to possess it for themselves. His throat was slit in his sleep by another wizard who stole the Elder Wand.
    Cadmus travelled back home and used the Resurrection Stone to bring back the woman he loved, but was dismayed to find that it was only a pale imitation of her: the dead did not belong in the living world and could not truly be brought back. He found that she was cold, lifeless, and miserable in the land of the living, nothing like she used to be. In the end Cadmus committed suicide by hanging himself so he could truly join her.
    Ignotus used the cloak to remain hidden from Death for a long time. When he was an old man, he passed the cloak onto his son, greeted Death as an old friend, and went with him to the next world.
    That is a children's tale, told to amuse rather than to instruct. Those of us who understand these matters, however, recognise that the ancient story refers to three objects, or Hallows, which, if united, will make the possessor Master of Death.

    S ome rules about magic it’s important to bear in mind.

    • The International Statute of Secrecy must be abided
    • You can’t use magic outside of Hogwarts until you come of age
    • You can’t magically create food
    • Playing with life and death will warrant dark consequences
    • If you become an Animagus, you have to get a license
    • If you’re American, you would’ve needed a wand permit
    • The Unforgivable Curses are illegal, obviously
    • And looking after certain fantastic beasts is also... frowned upon
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    Hello! My name is Kimia and welcome to my Harry Potter website.
    As it turns out I'm a potterhead. I'm in Slytherin and I'm proud of that for some reason :), my patronus is a black bear, you might be interested that my wand has phoenix core.
    I wrote this website for my Shecodes challenge which was about "Hobby" and my hobby is watching Harry Potter ;). you can find all about Harry Potter series here. If I forgot something I'm really glad if you tell me by fill out the form below and share with me I want to know what is your group and patronus.
    I hope you enjoy it.

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