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Nokia 3310
The Iconic Mobile Phone

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#1 Compared to today, the battery of the Nokia 3310 is quite literally awe-inspiring, my phone barely lasts a day without needing a full overnight charge. The 3310 was capable of 55-hours talk time, that’s more than 2 solid days, and 245 hour standby time, an astounding 10 days!
#2 Snake, the icon of mobile gaming during the 1990s, is officially the most played mobile game of all time, securing a Guinness world record in 2010 after achieving over 1 billion players. The game can be beaten though; in 2013, a GIF image appeared claiming to show an unknown Russian player’s amazing feat, but some question whether it was a hoax or not.
#3 The Nokia 3310 has even saved lives according to social media. A soldier who was stationed in Afghanistan took a bullet to the chest only to be saved by his trusty 3310, the bullet remained lodged in the phone and the man walked away unscathed.
#4 The 3310 really did break the mold in a range of ways, when it came to messaging the Nokia outdid all its rivals by having a messaging character limit of an unbelievable 459, that’s 3 times the normal limit for that era. The standard today is 160 characters.

Nokia 3310 colors