Skipping may be used as a cardiovascular workout, similar to jogging or bicycle riding, and has a high MET or intensity level. This aerobic exercise can achieve a "burn rate" of up to 700 to over 1,200 calories per hour of vigorous activity, with about 0.1 to nearly 1.1 calories consumed per jump, mainly depending upon the speed and intensity of jumps and leg foldings.
Ten minutes of skipping are roughly the equivalent of running an eight-minute mile. Skipping for 15–20 minutes is enough to burn off the calories from a candy bar and is equivalent to 45–60 minutes of running, depending upon the intensity of jumps and leg swings. Many professional trainers, fitness experts, and professional fighters greatly recommend skipping for burning fat over any other alternative exercises like running and jogging.

In 2019 the International Rope Skipping Organisation (IRSO).[13] re-emerged and reactivated its activities as governing body of Rope Skipping / Jump Rope sport. The organization is headed by Richard Cendali, who is referred to as the grandfather of the sport of jump rope.[14] IRSO had disagreements with both FISAC-IRSF and WJRF for ignoring several long-standing organizations in their merger. Various jump rope organizations that were long-standing for the development of the sport were left out of the merger of IJRU and came under IRSO under the leadership of Richard Cendali.


1. May Improve Heart Health
Skipping or rope jumping is a great form of cardio exercise. It increases the heart rate. This allows the heart muscles to work harder to pump oxygenated and deoxygenated blood across the body, thereby promoting heart health and gain height.
2. Tones The Lower And Upper Body
It is a great full-body workout that helps shed fat from all parts of your body and tones you up.“Skipping rope is an exercise that can get your heart rate up quite easily and for the entire duration of the exercise. This really helps burn a significant amount of calories and can put you into a caloric deficit for the day, which leads to fat loss.” It will not help build lean muscle, but if you do it at a higher intensity, you will work your biceps, triceps, shoulders, calves, thighs, and glutes and may improve lower body strength as well.
3. Burns Calories
Skipping or jumping rope is an amazing way of calorie burning and shed fat. In a study, scientists found that rope jumping to dance music helped improve BMIi more than stationary cycle exercise. According to a study, 10 minutes of rope jumping is equal to 30 minutes of jogging for improved cardiovascular efficiency



boy skipping young-man-skipping young-woman-skiiping

For solo jumping, the participant jumps and swings the rope under their feet. The timing of the swing is matched to the jump. This allows them to jump the rope and establish a rhythm more successfully. This can be contrasted with swinging the rope at the feet and jumping, which would mean they were matching the jump to the swing. This makes it harder to jump the rope and establish a rhythm.


Jump with both feet slightly apart over the rope. Beginners usually master this technique first before moving onto more advanced techniques.


lady skipping man-skipping little-girl-skiiping

Use alternate feet to jump off the ground. This technique can be used to effectively double the number of jumps per minute as compared to the above technique. This step can be used for speed events.


A high basic jump, turning the rope twice under the feet. Turning the rope three times is called a triple under. In competitions, participants may attempt quadruple (quads) and quintuple under (quins) using the same method.


man-frog-skipping man-donkey-skipping

The participant does a handstand, returns to their feet, and turns the rope under them. A more advanced version turns the rope during the return to the ground.

Coded by Esther Wobo For SheCodes Favorite Sports Challenge