"When I found out the patriarchy wasn't about horses, I lost
interest anyway."
"Thanks to Barbie, all problems of feminism have been solved."
"We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back and see how
far they have come."
“Barbie has a great day every day, but Ken only has a great day if
Barbie looks at him.”
“I hope nobody sees us. We have a life-size Barbie in our car.”
“I’m trained to stand confidently here.”
“It is the best day ever. So was yesterday, and so is tomorrow,
and every day from now until forever.”
“Every night is girls night.”
“I would never wear heels if my feet were shaped like this.”
“We have to always be extraordinary but somehow we’re always doing
it wrong.”
“Oh, my God! I had a Weird Barbie!”
“Either you’re brainwashed or you’re weird.”