The Witcher

The Witcher follows the adventures of Geralt, a mutated monster hunter, struggling to find his place in a world. But when destiny hurtles him toward a powerful sorceress, and a young princess with a special gift, the three must learn to navigate independently the increasingly volatile Continent. A perfect show for all fantasy fans with a great mix of monsters, sorcery and war. Great action scenes throughout and even some laughs from my favourite character Jaskier the bard!

Meet the Characters

Meet the Monsters

The Kikimora

Kikimore, or kikimora, is an insectoid monster species that lives underground, as well as in swamps.

Features in Season 1, Episode 1: The End's Beginning

"Caldemeyne shifted from foot to foot, looking at the spidery shape with its dry black skin, that glassy eye with its vertical pupil, the needle-like fangs in the bloody jaws."" pg. 75-76, The Last Wish (UK edition)

The Striga

A striga is a human woman transformed into a monster by a curse. She is filled with hatred towards all living beings, devouring them without a second thought. She only comes out on a full moon to hunt, fighting with incredible speed and strength.

⚔️ Season 1, Episode 3: Betrayer Moon ⚔️
The Striga episode was my favourite with a great mix of fantasy, mystery and horror. The action sequences were some of the best so far!

The Djinn

Much the same as in fairy tales, Djinns are powerful creatures that are capable of great feats. Once captured, they are then bound to the captor and have to fulfill three wishes. Following their completion, they are free once more.

Features in Season 1, Episode 5: Bottled Appetites

"Going back to genies, there are four sorts, just as there are four Planes. Djinns are air creatures; marides are associated with the principle of water; afreet are Fire genies and d'ao, the genies of Earth" pg.250 - 251, The Last Wish (UK edition)

The Dragon

Dragons are flying monsters classified as draconids, which are said to represent the forces of Chaos. Apart from cats, they are the only creatures known to absorb magical energy, and are drawn to hoarding gold.

Features in Season 1, Episode 6: Rare Species

Explore the Lore

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