SheCodes vs YouTube | SheCodes

YouTube vs SheCodes

SheCodes stands out by offering a structured curriculum, customer and technical support, an active online community, and hands-on coding projects

The online platforms for learning new skills are constantly growing. With so many options, it can be difficult to choose. We offer SheCodes Pro, a coding course that can be completed in just 6 months part-time that will take you from total beginner to pro. ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป

As an easily accessible option for anyone around the world, many aspiring coders have questions about whether they should try to learn how to code through Youtube. To make the decision easier for you, we made a comparison of the SheCodes online coding courses and Youtube, comparing class structure, features, and ease of learning.ย 
Active online community connect with peers & receive technical help in real time โœ… Yes โŒ No
Good for beginner coders no previous coding knowledge needed โœ… Yes โŒ No
Knowledgeable instructors who you can contact to ask questions โœ… Yes โŒ No
Weekly deadlines to keep you on track โœ… Yes โŒ No
Flexible schedule watch lessons and practice coding on your own time โœ… Yes โœ… Yes
Portfolio ready projects to test your new skills with technical feedback given โœ… Yes โŒ No
Dedicated support team get help whenever you need it โœ… Yes โŒ No
Structured front-end curriculum organized lessons with a clear progression for a solid foundation โœ… Yes โŒ No

SheCodes structured coding curriculum

Youtube doesnโ€™t market itself as a coding bootcamp and instead leaves its content to the creators. There are many experienced coders who share their knowledge on the video platform. ๐Ÿ“ฝ๏ธ Thereโ€™s never been a better time to get a job in tech so these videos are very popular.

Since anyone can make a coding Youtube video, you have to be careful that you are watching one with correct and up-to-date information. This is difficult when you are a beginner yourself. There are a lot of low-quality videos on the site that should be avoided.

There are hundreds of thousands of results for coding on Youtube, so you will have to look through a lot before finding the right one for you. This can become exhausting. ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ It can also be difficult to build on your knowledge when you donโ€™t know if the creator will be teaching concepts you have already learned.

Creators may release a series on coding that needs to be watched in a certain order but Youtube wonโ€™t always suggest you watch the subsequent one next. This can all become confusing and require a lot of clicking around and watching half of a 30-minute video before you realize itโ€™s not what you need.

With SheCodes, you donโ€™t have to click through thousands of results and research individual instructors. All of our classes are taught by our instructor Matt, with a clear and structured curriculum to teach front-end development. Thereโ€™s no confusion or clicking around, the classes are clearly marked and you can see always where you are on your journey. ๐Ÿ˜Šย 

SheCodes active online community

SheCodes stands out from other coding platforms because we help our students every step of the way with our dedicated support team. Students can ask for both customer and technical support whenever they have a question. Our online community of fellow coders from the world are welcoming and make it easy to connect with others. You never feel like youโ€™re coding alone when you learn to code with SheCodes. ๐ŸŒŽ ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ปย 

On Youtube, you have no idea who is learning to code with you. There is no way to communicate and make connections. As we all know, the comment sections online can be such an unwelcoming space that many video creators deactivate them. Creators receive many messages and wonโ€™t likely take the time to respond to someone with a question about their coding.ย 

Hands-on coding for successย 

The best way to learn to code is actually coding! In SheCodes coding courses, there are challenges after every mini-lesson with weekly homework and final projects. โœ๏ธ The homework is checked weekly by our tech support, who will let you know if any parts of the code need to change. Students share their completely customized final projects, which look great in any portfolio.

On Youtube, you are just watching videos with no practice. The site itself can be distracting since you will constantly be suggested new videos that may not have anything to do with what you want to learn. With no homework, hands-on practice, or challenges, you need a lot of self-motivation to learn to code with Youtube.

Supplement your knowledge

If you are a total beginner, learning to code on Youtube isnโ€™t the best option. Without structure, it is difficult to know what you should be learning. When you donโ€™t practice what you learn, the knowledge doesnโ€™t stick.

Instead, we suggest that students use a more structured course like SheCodes to begin their coding journey. With a 92% completion rate, the majority of the students who start learning to code with us go on to graduate. (Read our success stories here) They leave the class with hands-on practice under their belt and portfolio-ready final projects.ย 

If there are concepts you want to learn more about, then heading to Youtube and watching some specialized, in-depth videos is a good idea. You can watch firsthand accounts and hear the stories of others who learned how to code. Some of our awesome grads even start sharing videos about tech themselves! ๐Ÿคฉย 

What else should you know?

At SheCodes, we are passionate about helping women around the world learn to code and closing the gender gap in the tech industry. We are proud to contribute 10% of every workshop purchase to the SheCodes Foundation, which gives women in developing countries free coding classes.

Tens of thousands of women have already learned to code with SheCodes, with an overall rating of 4.9/5 stars, we canโ€™t wait to welcome you as a student! ๐ŸŒŸ

Want to learn more about what coding is and why coding skills can improve your professional skill set before you begin? Sign up for the live free 60-minute SheCodes Express Class to start your journey!

Here's what our students say

5/5 - Highly recommended

I have always wanted to learn to code but didnt know where to start, I had previously watched youtube videos and read online resources but found that none of them started right at the beginning. I really enjoyed these courses and the satisfaction of learning something new and being able to see my skills develop through the projects

5/5 - Highly recommended

This is a great class for beginners! I watched so many YouTube videos and I was still lost. This gave me a good foundation to build on. Thank you SheCodes!

5/5 - Highly recommended

Iโ€™m a student at NYU pursuing a program to learn VR development and I needed a crash course in html, css, and JavaScript. SheCodes Basics workshop worked out perfectly and honestly, was way easier than trying to find tutorials on YouTube - I spent 2 weeks learning more with SheCodes than I could have by myself. I am grateful to this amazing workshop.

5/5 - Highly recommended

Coding has been something I've always wanted to learn and explore as a potential career, and it's not like I didn't try. I've read books, watched YouTube videos, and had friends explain it to me, but still, I couldn't wrap my head around it. This has been the best workshop I've invested in, and will HIGHLY recommend to anyone looking to explore coding as a career or even hobby. The content is great and easy to understand. I've finally been able to invest in a lifelong dream.

4/5 - Recommended

Really helpful clear simple course! Before this i was watching youtube videos and was more confused when they finished than i was when they started! This course has helped me to find my feet with JavaScript and develop my skills! Thank You!!!

5/5 - Highly recommended

The course is great for the beginners: short videos (no more 15-hour long Youtube tutorials ๐Ÿ˜), challenges are good. I am happy to see a result of my work at the end of each week


What is SheCodes?

SheCodes teaches coding skills to busy women
Start your dream career in tech

4.9/5, our workshops are highly recommended by
200,000+ women, including employees from these companies